Friday, May 11, 2007

Indoctrination into Maine culture

We finally made it to Maine and are busy fulfulling the requirements to gain acceptance here. So far, we have accomplished the following:
1. At least 1 family member must discover a tick attached to their body and scream like a banshee.
2. The eldest son must shoot a small mammal, or in the absence of mammals, a target on a stick from the back porch of grandpa's house:

We have yet to accomplish:
3. replace the word "cool" with "wicked", "pop" with "soda" and "sure" with "shuya"

The rest of the list is yet to be disclosed...I'll keep you posted.

Final stop: Niagara Falls

Sorry for the delay...I must admit, Niagara wasn't as great as its reputation, but we didn't make it to the Canadian side...they say it's better over there. It was fun walking around the falls though.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Land of Giants

Thursday was uneventful, just a big travel day, but on Wednesday we saw a 60' Jolly Green Giant in Minnesota and a giant cow named Sissy in Wisconsin. On our way to Niagara falls tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Petrified Gardens and a Giant Buffalo

Big driving day, but we made time for the petrified gardens in Kadoka, SD and we just had to see the giant buffalo in Oacoma, SD. Lots of dinosaur stuff at the gardens, like this Titanothere head.