Friday, May 11, 2007

Indoctrination into Maine culture

We finally made it to Maine and are busy fulfulling the requirements to gain acceptance here. So far, we have accomplished the following:
1. At least 1 family member must discover a tick attached to their body and scream like a banshee.
2. The eldest son must shoot a small mammal, or in the absence of mammals, a target on a stick from the back porch of grandpa's house:

We have yet to accomplish:
3. replace the word "cool" with "wicked", "pop" with "soda" and "sure" with "shuya"

The rest of the list is yet to be disclosed...I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Sean said...

Jacob is an impressive shot. I'm sure dad is both proud and embarrassed that Jacob can shoot better than him at the same time.

Trust me, Maine gets way more odd than that... ;)